Of all the days of the week Monday's are my least favorite by FAR. However, I've been fretting this particular Monday for almost two weeks now.
Firstly it is the deadline I had given my health insurance company on getting Averie's prior authorization approved. I was being patient but I have slowly been losing that battle. My mind has started racing, full of what if this test only brings us more questions. I think that's my biggest fear. My brain is geared to making game plans, and getting things done and moving on. Certainly not waiting. So tomorrow the phone calls and harassing begin. First with my insurance company and then with Children's if need be. Secondly, Monday's always seem to be the busiest at work. I have an onsite on Tuesday that has the potential of being a huge deal if all goes well, but all the prep for it has to be done tomorrow. Lastly, I start my hard core diet on Tuesday, so tomorrow is my last day of eating whatever I want. All three of these things in their own way make me excited, but also nervous at the same time. It's so crazy how 2011 has really turned into one of the most event filled years of my life and it's only January 31st!!!! Feels like an entire year has gone on in the last 31 days of my life.
Brie has also been officially moved to her crib, which I have been selfishly putting off until now. It's night three and actually going better than expected. Friday night was AWFUL, Saturday night wasn't bad and tonight she actually acted like she wanted to go to sleep in it... my briebaby is growing up!!!!
i know that i should be capitalized but i actually like lower case i's better... :)~
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